Aldbourne - Online Parish Clerk
The aim of this section of the website is to publish as many of the records of the Parish of Aldbourne, Wiltshire up to about 1900 as may be practicable and useful for Family History research. Questions of copyright may also affect what may and may not be published on the site.

All the data on this site has been, and will continue to be, specially transcribed for the site from the original records. No data from previous transcriptions is included, although I acknowledge the use of such transcriptions in cross-checking my own work. It is a project which I expect to take at least 2 years, and which will eventually contain indexed transcriptions of the Parish Registers and Bishop's Transcripts from 1637 to 100 years before the present. It will also contain (if the Public Record Office will allow) indexed transcriptions of each of the 10-yearly censuses from 1841 to 1901, Tax Lists, Militia Lists, the Enclosure Settlement of 1839, etcetera, etcetera.

The longest journey starts with the first step, so I am starting in a small way by publishing the Parish Registers for the period 1790 to 1799. I hope to be able to add register data at a rate of about 20 years per month.

Wish me luck!

John Dymond
How to use the site
Search for records from the registers by event type, family name, recorded surname, and/or year.
Spelling over the three hundred year span of the registers is best described as "inconsistent". I have used my knowledge of the village families to collect all related spellings into families. This section provids listings of events for each of the village families.
List events by date according to the spellings used in the original registers.
Listings of registered events by year.
Hair Powder Tax
A tax on the use of Hair Powder was introduced by an Act of Parliament in 1795. Citizens who powdered their hair) had to obtain a certificate from the local Justices of the Peace to confirm that they had paid the annual tax of one guinea. The magistrates' copies of these certificates are still held at the Wiltshire & Swindon Record Office.