Register Events by Family
Aldbourne Parish Registers 1637 - 1925
DIXON Family
< Family Name Index >
Date Type Event Other Parish or Chapel Entry #
20-Feb-1622CJohn DICSON [ex BTs]
12-Jul-1646BGoodwife DISON
12-Nov-1646CThomas DIXSON, son of John and Abygail DIXSON
25-Mar-1649Ca DIXSON, son of John and Abigaile DIXSON
25-Jul-1651MThomas DIXSON of Aldbourne and
Jone COLLINS of Aldbourne
at Marlborough St Peter
7-Jun-1652CMargret DIXSONE, daughter of Thomas and Jone DIXSONE
4-Jun-1654CJone DIXON, daughter of Thomas and Jone DIXON
20-Jul-1656CRichard DIXON, son of John and Abigall DIXON
28-Jan-1656/57CThomas DIXON, son of Thomas and Jone DIXON
20-Jan-1657/58BZachary DIXSON
31-May-1658MZachary DIXSONE and
23-Jan-1658/59CHester DIXSONE, daughter of Thomas and Joane DIXSONE
2-Feb-1658/59BThomas DIXSON
15-Mar-1658/59MWilliam HARRISON, Mr, Minister and
Margery DIXSON
7-May-1659CZachary DIXSONE, son of Zachary and Ann DIXSONE
29-Mar-1663CJohn DIXON, son of Zacharye and Anne DIXON
27-Jul-1663BMary DIXON, the daughter of Robert and Jeane Dixon
29-Nov-1663BThomas DIXON, the sonn of Thomas and Joanna Dixon
11-Dec-1664CMary DIXON, daughter of Thomas and Joane DIXON
11-Jan-1665/66CThomas DIXON, son of Zacharie and Anne DIXON
11-Jan-1665/66CMarke DIXON, son of Zacharie and Anne DIXON
25-Apr-1666BThomas DIXON, the sonn of Zacharie Dixon
27-Nov-1667CThomas DIXON, son of Thomas and Joane DIXON
21-Feb-1668/69CAbigael DIXON, daughter of John and Abigail DIXON
4-May-1671BThomas DIXON
7-Oct-1672MThomas ALDRIDGE and
Joane DIXON, widow
27-Jan-1672/73BMargaret DIXON
6-Aug-1673CAnn DIXON, daughter of Zach[ary] and Ann DIXON
6-Aug-1673CThomas DIXON, son of Zach[ary] and Ann DIXON
10-Aug-1673BAnne DIXON, the daughter of Zachariah Dixon
15-Aug-1673BThomas DIXON, the son of Zach[ariah] Dixon
9-Apr-1675CAnn DIXON, daughter of Zachary and Ann DIXON
19-Feb-1676/77BMargaret DIXON, widdow, aged 90
13-Dec-1679BAnn DIXON, the wife of Zacharie Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
29-Jun-1682MZacherie DIXON and
Sarah BASIN of Shalborne
8-Feb-1684/85CAnne DIXON, daughter of Zachary and Sarah DIXON
5-Apr-1685BAbigal DIXON, the wife of John Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
18-Nov-1685BSarah DIXON, the wife of Zacharie Dixon Jun[io]r [Aff't Rec'd]
1-Apr-1688CZacharias DIXON, son of Zachary and Judith DIXON
17-Apr-1688BZacharias DIXON, the son of Zacharie Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
20-May-1689CRobert DIXON, son of Zacharie and Judith DIXON
Apr-1691CZachariah DIXON, son of Zacharie and Judith DIXON [Day omitted]
15-Oct-1693CThomas DIXON, son of Zacharie and Joane DIXON
1-Jul-1694CMark DIXON, son of Zacharie and Judith DIXON
20-May-1696BJohn DIXON [Aff't Rec'd]
15-Nov-1696CJohn DIXON, son of Zacharie and Joane DIXON
17-Jan-1696/977CRichard DIXON, son of Zacharie and Judith DIXON
6-May-1701CJohn DIXON, son of Zacharie and Judith DIXON
10-May-1701BJohn DIXON, the son of Zacharie Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
12-May-1701BJudith DIXON, the wife of Zacharie Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
7-Jun-1702CMary DIXON, daughter of Zacharie and Mary DIXON
2-Apr-1704CThomas DIXON, son of Zacharie and Mary DIXON
14-Apr-1706CJohn DIXON, son of Zachary and Mary DIXON
19-Dec-1708CAnne DIXON, daughter of Zacharie and Mary DIXON
15-Mar-1709/10BZachary DIXON, Sen[io]r [Aff't Rec'd]
11-May-1712CSusanna DIXON, daughter of Zacharie and Mary DIXON
11-May-1712BMary DIXON, the wife of Zacharie Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
11-Jul-1713BMary DIXON, the wife of Thomas Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
7-Mar-1713/14BSusanna DIXON, the daughter of Zacharie Dixon [Aff't Rec'd]
8-Aug-1714CThomas DIXON, son of Thomas and Mary DIXON
26-May-1716MThomas DIXON of this Parish and
Judeth COLLINS of this Parish
2-Feb-1717/18MThomas DIXON of Ramsbury and
Ruth PORTER of Alborne
11-Apr-1722BMark DIXON son of Zechariah DIXON of Alborne
at Baydon
7-Aug-1724CMark DICKSON, son of Thomas and Judeth DICKSON
27-Sep-1724MRichard DIXON of and
Sarah WELLS of Albourn
at Wanborough
2-Apr-1727MJohn DIXON of Alborne and
Mary SMITH of Alborne
3-Feb-1727/28CBenjamin Smith DIXON, son of John and Mary DIXON
22-Sep-1728CMark DIXON, son of Richard and Sarah DIXON
22-May-1729CZachariah DIXON, son of John and Mary DIXON
30-May-1731CMary DIXON, daughter of John and Mary DIXON
21-Nov-1731CTho[ma]s DIXON, son of Rich[ar]d and Sarah DIXON
3-Jun-1733CAnn DIXON, daughter of John and Mary DIXON
14-Apr-1734CRobert DIXON, son of Rich[ar]d and Sarah DIXON
15-Dec-1734CJohn DIXON, son of John and Mary DIXON
15-Dec-1736MThomas DIXON of Aldbourn and
Eleanor KING of Aldbourn [date]
17-Sep-1737CMary DIXON, daughter of Thomas and Eleanor DIXON
7-Dec-1737CHannah DIXON, daughter of John and Mary DIXON
9-Feb-1738/39CThomas DIXON, son of Tho[ma]s and Eleanor DIXON
9-Mar-1739/40CThomas DIXON, son of John and Mary DIXON
20-Apr-1740CZachariah DIXON, son of Rich[ar]d and Sarah DIXON
20-Jul-1740BJoan DIXON
28-Aug-1740CWilliam DIXON, son of Thomas and Eleanor DIXON
7-Sep-1740BWilliam DIXON, son of Thomas Dixon
20-Feb-1742/43CRachel DIXON, daughter of John and Mary DIXON
4-Jan-1743/44BMary DIXON, wife of Tho[mas] Dixon
24-Jul-1746BRichard DIXON, son of John Dixon
28-Jul-1746CRichard DIXON, son of John and Rachel DIXON
19-Jun-1748CSarah DIXON, daughter of John and Mary DIXON
26-Jun-1748CSarah DIXON, daughter of Tho[ma]s and Elleanor DIXON
18-Sep-1748MBenjamin DIXON and
25-Sep-1748MMark DIXON and
26-Mar-1749CJohn DIXON, son of Benj[amin] and Anne DIXON
31-Aug-1749CMark DIXON, son of Mark and Miriam DIXON
29-Oct-1749MThomas DIXON and
24-Mar-1750/51BBenjamin DIXON, son of Benjamin & Ann Dixon
7-Jun-1751MZachariha DIXON of Aldbourne and
Elizabeth CUTIS
at Marlborough St Peter
27-Feb-1752MThomas YEOMANS and
9-Apr-1752CAnn DIXON, daughter of Zechariah and Eliz[abeth] DIXON
25-Apr-1752CMiriam DIXON, daughter of Mark and Miriam DIXON
5-Nov-1752BSarah DIXON, daugh[te]r of Richard & sarah Dixon
25-Dec-1752MStephen GOLD and
18-Jan-1753BThomas DIXON
2-Dec-1753CWilliam DIXON, son of Tho[ma]s and Eleanor DIXON
25-Jan-1754CMary DIXON, daughter of Mark and Miriam DIXON
6-Jul-1754BMary DIXON, wife of John Dixon
23-May-1756BJohn DIXON, son of Benj[am]in & Ann Dixon
19-Oct-1757BMiriam DIXON, wife of Mark Dixon
27-Nov-1758MJohn DIXON of this parish and
Dinah YEOMANS of this parish - after Banns
by R[ichar]d POCOCKE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Joseph SHEPHERD
28-Jan-1759CMary DIXON, daughter of John and Dinah DIXON
13-Apr-1759BHannah DIXON, daug[hte]r of John Dixon
30-Apr-1759MMark DIXON of this parish and
Mary STEVENS of this parish - after Banns
by R[ichar]d POCOCKE, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Thomas CROOK
20-Jun-1759BMark DIXON, son of Mark Dixon
20-Feb-1760CJudith DIXON, daughter of Mark and Mary DIXON
28-Dec-1760CJohn DIXON, son of John and Dinah DIXON
26-Jul-1761CEliz[abe]th DIXON, daughter of Mark and Mary DIXON
3-Oct-1761BElizabeth DIXON, daug[the]r of Mark Dixon
15-Oct-1761MThomas DIXON of Shawbourne, (Wiltshire?) and
Ann EDMUNDS of this parish - after Banns
by R[ichar]d POCOCKE, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Stephen GOLD
3-Oct-1762CTho[ma]s DIXON, son of John and Dinah DIXON
28-Dec-1762CMark DIXON, son of Mark and Mary DIXON
11-Mar-1763BJohn DIXON
10-Nov-1765MThomas LIDDIARD, single man of this parish and
Mary DIXON, single woman of this parish - after Banns
by Cal. COLTON, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, William PARRIS
6-May-1766MThomas DIXON of Aldbourne and
Mary EATALL by Banns
at Baydon
27-Jul-1766CElizabeth DIXON, daughter of Mark and Mary DIXON
12-Jun-1768CThomas DIXON, son of Mark and Mary DIXON
2-Apr-1769BJudith DIXON, widow
6-Nov-1770BRichard DIXON
2-Dec-1770MHenry KENFIELD, single man of Childrey, Berks and
Sarah DIXON, single woman of this parish - after Banns
by Cal. COLTON, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Henry BRIND
28-Oct-1771MShadrack KEMBLE, single man of this parish and
Sarah DIXON, single woman of this parish - after Banns
by J. SWAIN, Cur[a]t[e]; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Mary HISCOCK
24-Jul-1774BThomas DIXON
1-Jan-1775MWilliam BRIND, Widower of this parish and
Rachel DIXON, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Sally WELLS
10-Apr-1775BSarah DIXON, widow
23-Feb-1777BThomas DIXON
13-Oct-1777MRichard BRIND, Batchelor of Baydon and
Mary DIXON, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Zebulon BRIND [X], Thomas LIDDIARD
15-Oct-1778BEleanor DIXON, widow
8-Nov-1778MWilliam DIXON, Batchelor of this parish and
Mary SMART, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, James NEALE
27-Jul-1779BDinah DIXON, widow, of the Small Pox
27-Aug-1779BJohn DIXON
28-May-1780CMary DIXON, daughter of Will[ia]m and Mary DIXON
3-Dec-1780MWilliam BRIND, Batchelor of this parish and
Mary DIXON, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, Ann CROOK
16-Feb-1782BHannah DIXON, widow
9-Jun-1782CSarah DIXON, daughter of William and Mary DIXON
1-Dec-1783MThomas SMART, Batchelor of Preshet [Preshute] and
Meriam DIXON, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, W[illia]m SMART [X]
[Tax: 3d]
3-Oct-1784CAnn DIXON, daughter of W[illia]m and Mary DIXON [Tax: 3d]
23-Oct-1785MThomas DIXON, Batchelor of this parish and
Elizabeth WARMAN, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Tho[ma]s DIXON [X], Thomas LIDDIARD
[Tax: 3d]
9-Oct-1786CTho[ma]s DIXON, son of Tho[ma]s and Mary DIXON [Tax: 0d]
10-Oct-1786BMary DIXON, daughter of W[illia]m Dixon
11-Dec-1786MBenjamin PRASCEY, Batchelor of this parish and
Elizabeth DIXON, spinster of this parish - after Banns
by James NEALE; Witnesses: Thomas LIDDIARD, W[illia]m HEATH
[Tax: 3d]
22-Dec-1788CElizabeth DIXON, daughter of W[illia]m and Mary DIXON [Tax: 99d]
11-Jan-1789BElizabeth DIXON, daughter of W[illia]m Dixon [Tax: 0d]
30-Mar-1790CWilliam DIXON, son of William and Mary DIXON [Tax: 3d]
25-Feb-1791BWilliam DIXON, son of William Dixon [Tax: 3d]
2-Nov-1791BJudeth DIXON, daughter of Mark Dixon [Tax: 3d]
22-Dec-1791MWilliam DIXON of Aldbourn and
at Lambourn (Berks)
2-Sep-1792CJane DIXON, daughter of William and Ann DIXON [Tax: 3d]
4-Nov-1792CWilliam DIXON, son of William and Mary DIXON [Tax: 3d]
25-Aug-1793MMark DIXON of this parish and
Mary FARMER of this parish - after Banns
by William MITCHELL, Curate; Witnesses: Stephen EVERETT, Mary BROWN
10-Feb-1794CWilliam DIXON, son of William and Ann DIXON [Tax: 0d]
5-Dec-1794CJohn DIXON, son of William and Mary DIXON
11-Jan-1795CThomas DIXON, son of Mark and Mary DIXON
23-Sep-1796BMary DIXON, wife of Mark Dixon Senior
6-Mar-1798CThomas DIXON, son of William and Ann DIXON
12-Aug-1798BJohn DIXON, son of William Dixon
20-Oct-1798CEleanor DIXON, daughter of William and Mary DIXON
22-Oct-1798BEleanor DIXON, daughter of William Dixon
16-Jul-1801BMartha DIXON, widow
4-Apr-1803CNanny DIXON, daughter of Mark and Mary DIXON
9-May-1804CSarah DIXON, daughter of Mary DIXON, B[ase]. B[orn].
13-May-1804BMark DIXON
22-Nov-1807CAnn DIXON, daughter of Mary DIXON, B.B.
19-Jan-1808CEliza DIXON, daughter of William and Ann DIXON
12-Feb-1810MThomas DIXON of this parish and
Ann DAY of the same place - after Banns
by William MITCHELL, Minister; Witnesses: Margaret LIDDIARD, Daniel LIDDIARD
27-May-1810CMaryanne DIXON, daughter of Thomas and Ann DIXON
1-Mar-1812CWilliam DIXON, son of Thomas and Ann DIXON
3-Nov-1812MStephen WOODLEY of this parish and
Jane DIXON of this parish - after Banns
by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: John WOODLEY, Ann COOK
4-Nov-1812MRichard GREEN of Mortimer, Berkshire and
Mary DIXON of this parish - by Licence
by Thomas PRUEN, Curate; Witnesses: Thomas HILL, Daniel LIDDIARD
23-Jul-1820MWilliam DIXON Bachelor of Aldbourne and
Sarah FISHLOCK Spinster by Banns
at Marlborough St Peter
7-Apr-1821CHannah DIXON, daughter of William and Sarah DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer360
1-Dec-1822BWilliam DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 30
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
15-Dec-1822CCaroline DIXON, daughter of William and Sarah DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer438
26-Mar-1823CGeorge DIXON, son of William and Sarah DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer456
23-Apr-1823BGeorge DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 4w
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
28-Apr-1824CEliza DIXON, daughter of William and Sarah DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer503
6-Mar-1827CSarah DIXON, daughter of William and Sarah DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer625
28-Jun-1827BEliza DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 3
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister
13-May-1830MThomas DIXON, young man of this parish and
Elizabeth POWELL, young woman of this parish - after Banns
by M. WILLIAMS, Minister; Witnesses: Eleanor BATT, Daniel LIDDIARD
4-Mar-1831CThomas DIXON, son of Thomas and Elizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, Shoemaker818
25-Mar-1831CJohn DIXSON, son of William and Sarah DIXSON of Aldbourne, Labourer823
5-Apr-1832BSarah DIXON of Ramsbury, aged 5
by J. ASHE, Minister
5-Jul-1832BThomas DIXON of Aldbourn, aged 64
by J. ASHE, Minister
25-Nov-1832CElisabeth DIXON, daughter of Thomas and Elisabeth DIXON of Aldbourn, Shoemaker899
28-Jul-1833CEliza DIXON, daughter of William and Sarah DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer948
18-May-1834CWilliam DIXON, son of Thomas and Elizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, Shoemaker994
31-Jul-1834BWilliam DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 73
23-Jan-1836BMark DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 73
22-May-1836CMary Ann DIXON, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, Cordwainer1110
9-Jul-1837BWilliam DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 84
29-Jan-1838BMary DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 83
28-Jul-1839CGeorge DIXON, son of Thomas and Elizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, Cordwainer1266
15-Jan-1841BSarah DIXON of Ramsbury, aged 50
2-Aug-1842BAnn DIXON of Ramsbury, aged 76
27-Dec-1842BMary Ann DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 7
28-Jul-1843BHannah DIXON of Ramsbury, aged 22
25-Dec-1843CThomas DIXON, son of Catherine DIXON of Aldbourne1500
28-Jul-1844MThomas NEWMAN, Bachelor, aged 22 of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of George NEWMAN, Labourer and
Catherine DIXON, Spinster, aged 21 of Aldbourne; dau of William DIXON, Labourer - after Banns
by John SEAGRAM, Vicar; Witnesses: James LAWRENCE, Richard BUNCE
18-Oct-1846BMary DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 78
6-May-1849CGeorge DIXON, son of Thomas and Sophia DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer193
19-Jan-1851CHenry DIXON, son of Thomas and Sophia DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer270
21-Oct-1854MThomas PIZZIE, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer and
Elizabeth DIXON, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of Tho[ma]s DIXON, Cordwainer - after Banns
by C.F. WILLIS, Curate; Witnesses: William JERRAM, Mary JERRAM
23-Feb-1855BThomas DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 23
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
17-Jul-1856BSarah DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 64
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
29-Oct-1859MWilliam BARNES, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of John BARNES, Labourer and
Charlotte DIXON, Spinster, aged 19 of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas DIXON, Servant - after Banns
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: William BRIND, Sarah DIXON [X]
2-Feb-1861MWilliam DIXON, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas DIXON, Labourer and
Betsy BRIND, Widow, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of Henry COUSINS, Labourer - after Banns
by T.E. Langford SAINSBURY, Curate; Witnesses: William DIXON [X], Hannah COUSINS
14-Dec-1861MJoseph RIDER, Bachelor, of full age of Shalbourne, Labourer; son of Anthony RIDER, Labourer and
Eliza DIXON, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas DIXON, Labourer - after Banns
by R.H. BRISTOW, Curate; Witnesses: William DIXON, Harriet JONES [?] [X]
5-Dec-1862BElizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 63
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
4-Oct-1863CElizabeth Mary DIXON, daughter of William and Betsy DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer43
24-Dec-1863BThomas DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 65
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
22-Jun-1867MStephen HATHEREL, Widower, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas HATHEREL, Butcher and
Sophia DIXON, Widow, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of Benjamin HEMBLIN, Labourer - after Banns
by Edward BURBIDGE, Curate; Witnesses: William DIXON, John WOODLEY
6-Oct-1867CWilliam Henry DIXON, son of William and Betsy DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer198
2-Mar-1868MWilliam GRANT, Bachelor, of full age of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Richard GRANT, Labourer and
Ellen DIXON, Spinster, of full age of Aldbourne; dau of Thomas DIXON, Labourer - after Banns
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Emma NEWMAN, John WOODLEY
28-Dec-1868BW. Henry DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 6m
by W.H. HINDER, Curate
16-Mar-1869BThomas DIXON, + of Hungerford Workhouse, aged 74; [Died in Hungerford Union Workhouse: 12-Mar-1869] Buried at Aldbourne
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
1-May-1870CFanny DIXON, daughter of William and Elizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer325
9-Sep-1871MGeorge DIXON, Bachelor, aged full of Aldbourne, Labourer; son of Thomas DIXON, Labourer and
Alice Eliza GREEN, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of Charles GREEN, Labourer - after Banns
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar; Witnesses: Charles STROUD [X], William SHEPPARD
5-Oct-1873CHenry George DIXON, son of William and Elizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, Labourer474
14-Mar-1874BHenry George DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 7m
23-Sep-1876BSarah DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 47
by G.P. CLEATHER, Vicar
3-Jul-1885BWilliam DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 50
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
7-Dec-1890BFanny DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 20
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
8-Feb-1898BElizabeth DIXON of Aldbourne, aged 70
by Henry C. HOWARD, Vicar
10-Oct-1908MEdgar DIXON, Bachelor, aged 28 of Ramsbury, Carpenter; son of James DIXON, Carpenter and
Rhoda Mary Kate SHEPPARD, Spinster, aged full of Aldbourne; dau of William SHEPPARD, Shoemaker - after Banns
by A.J. PITKIN; Witnesses: Robert John SHEPPARD, Lilian DIXON
22-Mar-1909CWilliam James DICKSON, son of Edgar and Rhoda Mary Kate DICKSON of Aldbourne, Carpenter 237
24-Apr-1910CEdgar John DIXON, son of Edgar and Rhoda Mary Kate DIXON of Aldbourne, Carpenter 262
23-Aug-1911CLilian Irene May DIXON, daughter of Edgar and Rhoda May Kate DIXON of Aldbourne, Carpenter 294
14-Dec-1913CSophia Rose DIXON, daughter of Edgar and Rhoda Mary Kate DIXON of Aldbourne, Carpenter 355
5-Sep-1915CLeonard Henry DIXON, son of Edgar and Rhoda Mary Kate DIXON of Aldbourne, Carpenter 385
11-Jan-1920CEthel Kate DIXON, daughter of Edgar and Rhoda May Kate DIXON of Oxford St, Aldbourne, Carpenter [Born: 14-Nov-1919] 443
11-May-1924CStanley Eric DIXON, son of Edgar and Rhoda Mary Kate DIXON of Oxford St, Aldbourne, Carpenter [Born: 22-Feb-1924] 515
< Family Name Index >