Register Events by Year
Aldbourne Parish Registers 1637 - 1925
Baptisms 1785
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Date Type Event Other Parish or Chapel Entry #
9-Jan-1785CElizabeth MOLT, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth MOLT [Tax: 3d]
30-Jan-1785CAmos BARRET, son of Stephen and Sarah BARRET [Tax: 3d]
6-Feb-1785CMary HARRISON, daughter of W[illia]m and Ann HARRISON [Tax: 3d]
6-Feb-1785CSarah LAMBOURN, daughter of John and Sarah LAMBOURN [Tax: 3d]
10-Feb-1785CWilliam CHURCH, son of W[illia]m and Margaret CHURCH [Tax: 3d]
20-Feb-1785CEdward FOWLER, son of Jane FOWLER, base born [Tax: 3d]
28-Feb-1785CMaria SPICER, daughter of Rich[ar]d and Mary SPICER [Tax: 3d]
28-Feb-1785CJosiah VOKINS, son of Tho[ma]s and Elizabeth VOKINS [Tax: 3d]
6-Mar-1785CJane GOULD, daughter of Stephen and Jane GOULD [Tax: 3d]
13-Mar-1785CStephen BARRET, son of Edmund and Dennis BARRET [Tax: 3d]
18-Mar-1785CWilliam GWYN, son of Tho[ma]s and Mary GWYN [Tax: 3d]
3-Apr-1785CTho[ma]s CHURCH, son of George and Mary CHURCH [Tax: 3d]
4-Apr-1785CTho[ma]s JEROM, son of Will[ia]m and Mary JEROM [Tax: 3d]
15-May-1785CDinah BRIND, daughter of William and Mary BRIND [Tax: 3d]
22-May-1785CWilliam WERRILL, son of W[illia]m and Mary WERRILL [Tax: 3d]
5-Jun-1785CSarah STRANGE, daughter of Rob[er]t and Sarah STRANGE [Tax: 3d]
10-Jun-1785CHannah TUCKER, daughter of Tho[ma]s and Joanah TUCKER [Tax: 3d]
1-Jul-1785CElizabeth WOODLY, daughter of Tho[ma]s and Sarah WOODLY [Tax: 3d]
3-Jul-1785CAnn DAY, daughter of Elizabeth DAY, base born [Tax: 3d]
24-Jul-1785CWill[ia]m COX, son of Will[ia]m and Hannah COX [Tax: 3d]
24-Jul-1785CSarah TUCKER, daughter of Rich[ar]d and Sarah TUCKER [Tax: 3d]
25-Jul-1785CRob[er]t HATHRILL, son of Tho[ma]s and Sarah HATHRILL [Tax: 3d]
4-Aug-1785CWill[ia]m KIMBER, son of Benjamin and Jane KIMBER [Tax: 3d]
10-Aug-1785CPrissilla BAKER, daughter of William and Elizabeth BAKER [Tax: 3d]
13-Aug-1785CTho[ma]s LIGHT, son of Richard and Mary LIGHT [Tax: 3d]
21-Aug-1785CWilliam EYLES, son of John and Mary EYLES [Tax: 3d]
11-Sep-1785CJames WREN, son of W[illia]m and Catherine WREN [Tax: 3d]
26-Sep-1785CRobert VIZE, son of W[illia]m and Elizabeth VIZE [Tax: 3d]
9-Oct-1785CElizabeth LOCKEY, daughter of John and Rachel LOCKEY, Baydon [Tax: 3d]
23-Oct-1785CRachel MERRET, daughter of Joseph and Mary MERRET [Tax: 3d]
30-Oct-1785CEliz[abe]th STROUD, daughter of Charles and Martha STROUD [Tax: 3d]
20-Nov-1785CMary VIZE, daughter of William and Mary VIZE [Tax: 3d]
22-Nov-1785CJohn RAMSDON, son of John and Eliz[abe]th RAMSDON [Tax: 3d]
25-Nov-1785CMary HOLDUP, daughter of Edward and Sarah HOLDUP [Tax: 3d]
4-Dec-1785CEdward BRIDGMAN, son of Edw[ar]d and Joanna BRIDGMAN [Tax: 3d]
18-Dec-1785CSarah STOTTER, daughter of Tho[ma]s and Hannah STOTTER [Tax: 3d]
18-Dec-1785CMary WITTS, daughter of Edward and Sarah WITTS [Tax: 3d]
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